Efrodisiac August 2019 Trailer

Pretty girls, big turds, huge piles of poop, big pees, farting, pantypooping: Efrodisiac is finally back again, as usual with a trailer which is quite a pleasure to watch

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18 August 2019 (4 years, 8 months ago)

Comments (3)

kackfresse wrote 7 months ago


powerpeemodel wrote 4 years ago

You tell me how to tell the difference from models or guys reselling models material? In the old days this was already happening. It's terrible: I am instructing models to make their JA clips, the angles, the clothes, don't rub your breasts, don't say ''old' shit, and all the time I am talking to a reseller who is laughing his ass off!
And the worst is: I paid for the clips, of which there's no way to determine whether they're new or not.
But this for instance happened with Teeny Lolita already, in 2009.
Now it's more and more guys selling clips they bought from a model: I do not now these clips.

And in the meantime, MY clips are the most blatantly copied in the world.

Well, this is becoming a real pleasure...

koji00 wrote 4 years ago

So now you are just blatantly reposting other people's material?

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